

System Design of a Holistic Learning and Training System for Operational Environmental Issues Based on the Principle of Blended Learning (Systemdesign eines ganzheitlichen Lern- und Trainingssystems für Betriebliche Umweltthemen basierend auf dem Prinzip des Blended Learning)



Pleshkanovska, Roksolana; Lehmann, Stefanie, Arndt, Hans-Knud 






Artikel in Konferenzband



Environmental certification has gained increasing importance in recent years. Comprehensive commitment to environmental management does not only yield companies positive effects relating to sustainability but also advantages in terms of efficiency and product quality. Companies therefore increasingly pay attention to a solid training of their employees in this complex area. One of the biggest challenges in companies nowadays consists in finding ways to extend the attractiveness of environmental issues (e.g. Triple Bottom Line practices, Sustainability) for employees. To overcome this challenge a combination of face-to-face teaching and online components will be applied within the system. That is why, the system to be developed is based on the blended learning principle. Every system user does not only learn for himself on his computer in a digital way, but also interacts with other system users outside of the virtual world in the classroom. Moreover, with the support of the training staff the employees receive precious tips and pieces of advice how to use the system and how to attain the greatest possible added value for one’s own self with the IT resource. In this way the learning effects for the individual employee are increased. This paper’s purpose is to make a suggestion for the design of a system proposal of a learning and training system for operational environmental issues. Thereby, approaches of motivation, gamification and blended learning are used due to the assumption that they could be suitable to be applied in the context of workplace to improve company’s long-term profitability. This system serves to train and teach employees of a company about environmentally relevant company issues. The system is an additional digital support for employees. On the one side, it gives employees an automatic feedback with regard to the own current level of environmental knowledge and on the other side, it helps employers to react flexible on any changes in training requirements with respect to environmental issues and to support multiple internal target groups in environmental knowledge acquisition.

